Prayer Planner App

With the implementation of a strategy or plan for prayer, your time of prayer can be a rewarding and enriching experience.

Generating and utilizing a workable planner will help with the strategizing. The prayer planner app is merely a guide.With the available prayer planner, each petition of the prayer taught by Jesus (as recorded in the book of Matthew) are sorted into seven sections. A time of quiet reflection is added as the eighth section. Each section also allows space to write scriptures, write specific prayer subjects or requests, and specific people who are in need of prayer. When utilizing this planner, keep in mind that the prayer planner is a guide on which you should base your prayers. It is not strict and stringent directions. Set the timer for each section. During each segment, do not cut prayers short when time expires. If you are praying for a specific subject when time expires, simply continue until you feel you have adequately completed the section of prayer.

You should not write specific prayers phrases for memorization and recital. Rather, you should allow yourself the freedom to express anything and everything you feel within your heart. Also remember that any impressions or burdens that arise at any time should receive your full concentration and consideration during your prayers.

Scriptures used in the segments can be quoted, but may also be personalized. For instance, John 3:16 states, "For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This verse can be personalized: "For God so love me, that he gave his only begotten Son, that if I believeth in him, I should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Please check back soon regarding information on the soon-to-be-published book After This Manner Pray.

Please visit the Links Page to download the Prayer Planner App,
Click on the links below for your device - 


